Stock Images
Who we are is a reflection of what we do. It is important to me that the subjects I choose for my stock images reflect the values that are a part of my life; and so I have identified four primary areas of concentration:
• nature
• natural-light, low-impact commercial
• environmental photojournalism
• mountain heritage and culture
I provide both images and assignment services in each of these areas for a variety of print and telecast media. My clients have included individuals, organizations, and companies from across the Southern Appalachians and around the country, from as diverse quarters as The National Trust for Historic Preservation and Creek
‘n Woods Vacation Rentals, and from the Great Smoky Mountains Association to the Haywood County (NC) Chamber of Commerce. My interest lies not in taking snapshots, but in understanding the needs of my clients at such a level that the images I deliver are artistic expressions of the stories they want to tell. To discuss stock ima
ge needs for your story contact me via email to Don McGowan.
In addition to image services I also provide text for a variety of media applications from brochures and flyers to full-length feature articles on conservation, mountain culture and heritage, environmental issues and natural history.
What I strive for is to communicate the stories of my clients to their larger audiences with a thoroughness and sensitivity, and an accuracy that effectively conveys their message. In that role I see myself as both a photographer and a teacher, as a listener and a voice, and as an artist as well as a craftsman.
What are the images of yourself and what you do that you want to share with others?