Just Low to the Ground

Just Low to the Ground

On a northeastern edge of Hiawatha National Forest in the amazing Upper Peninsula of Michigan there is a small experimental forest which I have observed for many years as I have gone to and fro in my wanderings through The Hiawatha. The soils of this part of the...
Eastward from Burr Trail

Eastward from Burr Trail

It must have been with no small satisfaction that John Burr could look back, having gained the top of the tortuous incline that he had created and which now bears his name, the Burr Trail (Road), and appreciate the distant Henry Mountains now behind him, the...
Who Do?

Who Do?

One hundred and sixty million years ago a deposit of creamy, erosive entrada sandstone was laid down in the shallows of an inland sea in what is now southern Utah. Sixty million years later, along the margins of a younger shore, a harder, more resistent layer of...


I was always taught that when the weather is changing, it’s time to go outside. So about a month ago I took a student to Pounding Mill Overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway for sunrise. We knew from the forecast the day prior that there was a good possibility that...
Pointillist Redux

Pointillist Redux

When autumn leaves start to fall, it might be a good time to consider intentional camera movement as a creative technique. What I realize more and more is that there are a number of unique approaches to the ICM idea and that it is well to try all of them as an...
A Leaf or Two Shy of a Tree

A Leaf or Two Shy of a Tree

There is something magical about a fall-foliage forest that has lost a good part of its colorful leafy cloak. The foliage that remains after the initial attacks of wind and rain seem to offer ways of “seeing through” that are not present in the crowded,...