Kiva Lines

Kiva Lines

Chaco Canyon is special to me beyond words. It is a place that always evokes the twin feelings of awe and mystery, and the more we learn about the Chacoans and their culture, the more enigmatic they seem to become. It is quite possible, even likely, we of this time...
Turmoil Over a Sleeping Ute

Turmoil Over a Sleeping Ute

 Seventy-two million years before the present, give or take a few, but not too many, igneous intrusions began welling up beneath what is now the east central region of the Colorado Plateau. The floor of the upwellings was fairly level and the upper portion was...
Gifts of the Glacier

Gifts of the Glacier

When the glacial ice sheets retreated from Cape Cod, they left a dry depression in the land – a kettle – where a great block of ice had melted. Eventually, over millennia, as the rising seas lifted the fresh water table of the land, the depression began to...
Morning Pete’s

Morning Pete’s

I have been to Pete’s Lake quite a few times over the past 14 years, and each occasion is a completely novel experience. From being shrouded in fog to a clarity that pierces the eye, Pete’s is always a treat; and this year was certainly no exception. We...
Straight and Narrow, Only Crooked

Straight and Narrow, Only Crooked

If I photographed Bond Falls a thousand times, I would wish to photograph it a thousand more. The beautiful upper cataract on the Middle Branch of the Ontonagon River, surrounded by Ottawa National Forest, is always so captivating as to draw me back and to look for...