Pixies in the Mist

Pixies in the Mist

One of the really fun opportunities of being in the “Pixie Forest” of American Beech (Fagus grandifolia) along the upper stretches of the Blue Ridge Parkway as it passes through the Great Craggy Mountains northeast of Asheville is the chance to create...
Roaring Fork Sandstone and Friends

Roaring Fork Sandstone and Friends

If you could travel beneath the surface of the ground from this point near the Greenbrier Entrance to Great Smoky Mountains National Park, you would discover that this thin outcrop of Roaring Fork Sandstone is actually the tip of a lithic iceberg hundreds, if not...
Any Pixies ‘Round Here?

Any Pixies ‘Round Here?

A couple of days ago Bonnie and I decided it was time to visit one of our favorite locations along the Blue Ridge Parkway, not so very far from our home. We try to visit at least once each spring. The Mountains-To-Sea Trail bisects the ridge going eastward off Craggy...
After the Loggers Left

After the Loggers Left

When the men, women, children and machines of Little River Lumber Company left the logging town of Tremont in December 1938, there was nothing left for Middle Prong to do but purify itself of the stain of men and flow on. It had officially become a part of Great Smoky...