Pale Face

Pale Face

Pale jewelweed (Impatiens pallida), like its cousin, spotted jewelweed (I. capensis) is a lovely, French horn-resembling blossom that is prolific in the Southern Appalachians in July and August. According to folklore, wherever Nature creates a botanical peril, it...
I Go Back Because…

I Go Back Because…

I do not think it is possible to know a place well by visiting it only once; and I want to know the places I visit well. So I return time and time again because the place is always different; the conditions are always different; and the images I create will always be...
Slickrock Dreams

Slickrock Dreams

The upper slickrock in Zion National Park is one of my favorite places. While Zion Canyon is truly incredible, the opportunity to play among the petrified dunes of Navajo Sandstone ignites a creative spark that never seems to be extinguished. In the never-ending folds...
Gambels and Squalls

Gambels and Squalls

As you descend the western flanks of the peaks of Kit Carson National Forest in Northern New Mexico, dropping down between the 10,000’+ summits of Peñasco Amarillo and Cerro Saragate and into the watershed of Rio Chama (Chama River), you enter a fairyland of...