Gambels and Squalls

Gambels and Squalls

As you descend the western flanks of the peaks of Kit Carson National Forest in Northern New Mexico, dropping down between the 10,000’+ summits of Peñasco Amarillo and Cerro Saragate and into the watershed of Rio Chama (Chama River), you enter a fairyland of...
The Orderliness of Chaos

The Orderliness of Chaos

After spending four hours in one of James Roberts’ flue-cured tobacco barns, I was ill-prepared to encounter the rest of his wonderful farm in Madison County, North Carolina; but the tack room, just inside his main stock barn, was the epitome of expression of...
Evolution of a Boulder Field

Evolution of a Boulder Field

This Image is a reminder that often we go to a location for a particular reason and find ourselves irresistibly drawn to something entirely different and other. Goforth Creek, in the Ocoee River Gorge of Tennessee’s Cherokee National Forest, is so beautiful in...
Yessir, It Was a Long Time Ago

Yessir, It Was a Long Time Ago

The James Roberts Farm in Madison County, North Carolina comes as close in my mind, as I can recall, to an ideal example of a working mountain farmstead. Its collection of barns, sheds, cribs, and houses could easily qualify it for the National Register of Historic...
Cloud on a Bullhead

Cloud on a Bullhead

It seems like only yesterday – not two months ago – that the first days of spring were warming Sugarlands Valley at the base of The Bullhead. Yesterday the valley looked like full-on summer. On this day in early-April, however, the clouds were forming...