Photographic detours can be wonderful adventures. Bonnie and I left the quiet town of Salida, Colorado on our way to the airport in Denver, having decided to follow the Arkansas River to its headwater streams north of Leadville. Then on the spur of the moment, we decided to take old US 6 across Loveland Pass. A mere 10′ shy of an even 12,000′, Loveland sits astride the Continental Divide along the Front Range. Looking south and southeast across a field of mountain lupine (Lupinus argenteus), we could follow the line of the Divide across the mountains to the rocky face of Grizzly Peak as the light played hopscotch across the slopes.
A focal length of 26mm, mid-wideangleland, gave me the angle-of-view I wanted. An aperture of f/20 provided depth-of-field, and a shutter speed of 1/5th second at ISO 100 gave me an overall medium exposure.
Once again I am reminded of Gibran’s beautiful words: “Verily all things move within your being in constant half-embrace, the desired and the dreaded, the repugnant and the cherished, the pursued and that which you would escape. These things move within you as lights and shadows in pairs that cling. And when the shadow fades and is no more, the light that lingers becomes a shadow to another light. And thus your freedom when it loses its fetters becomes itself the fetter to a greater freedom.” ~Kahlil Gibran~
One of the many reasons to get off the freeways and onto the old roads. Beautiful image, Don.
Congratulations on 7 years. What a pleasure it’s been to see your artwork. It still inspires me. Your workshop that took us to Purchase Knob was a great experience. George (Ramig) is doing well.
Lovely image, lovely quotation. Thanks!
Hello Everyone. Thank you all for joining me for this conversation. How delightful to hear from all of you in the opening of this New Year. It has been a joy sharing images and ideas with such a wonderful community of creative folks, and I do look forward to the opportunities that lie ahead.
Hi Barbara. Thanks for being with us. It’s always good to hear from you. One of the things that I picked up on from our time together with Road Scholar is your appreciation for the by-ways and blue highways of our amazing land. I wish for you many miles on such beautiful roads. May you travel them well.
Hey Jeff. I really appreciate your kind words. I, too, recall that adventure to Purchase Knob. It is one of the Smokies special places and I’m glad I was able to share it with you. George and I have been waiting for the new location of Green Sage to open on Merrimon Avenue so we can get together again. It’s open and we’ll be there before very long. Hope all is well with you.
Howdy Joel. Your kind words are doubly meaningful in that this image is not an intimate landscape. Thank you. You may know that the works of Gibran has recently been placed in the public domain. I expect we will see extensive use of them as accompaniments to art and creative efforts going forward. We’re getting very excited already about Michigan in October. Have a beautiful winter!
Thanks, again, Everyone. Your feelings and thoughts are always welcome. Have a beautiful season as the light returns and…Walk in Beauty.