Like a shroud, fog, rolling up from the high valleys of the Davidson River watershed west of Looking Glass Rock, covers the hollows and spur ridges on the eastern shoulder of the Devil’s Courthouse: Courthouse, Chestnut, and Shuck, by name. In brief moments of partial clearing, the morning light brightens the on-coming colors of fall, promising a greater intensity of hues to follow. What I saw were lines and contrasts from the foreground to the sky, started by the lighter hardwoods and then the dark conifers, and behind them the fog, alternating into the distance with a final show of cloudy sky above it all. Quickly the fog covered everything and the show was over. A focal length of 75mm, slightly telephoto, isolated the lines and compressed the relationships. An aperture of f/20 provided depth-of-field; and a shutter speed of 1/13th second at ISO 100 provided a medium overall exposure. A little Paul Simon anyone?
We plan on heading out Wednesday to shoot from Graveyard Fields to Lickstone so it will be interesting to see how this storm affected the colors and scene in comparison to what you shot. An adventure!
I read your email quote first about communicating the emotion of a scene. Thanks for that reminder. Then when I clicked over to your image, my immediate thought was, “Im rising,” — being drawn upward by the ridges and the fog, and being uplifted in spirit. Thank you, Don.
I got my Nikon camera, I love to take a photograph, don’t take my kodachrome away……I love the lines and colors in that shot! Beautiful!
I too felt my spirits rise looking at this image. Everything is pointing up and the colors are so bright and cheerful. A beautiful reminder we are entering the awesome Autumn season. Thanks for sharing.
Good morning Everyone. Thank you all very much for joining me for this Image. Judy, I now have your report from your outing on the Parkway. Glad you found much to celebrate, especially at Graveyard Fields. We need that cool snap to kick off the color that remains on the trees. Hopefully it will come soon. Don, thanks you that observation. I’m glad the reminder served you well. Isn’t it amazing how those diagonal lines serve to evoke the emotion you describe: the elements of graphic design at work. Karen, nice pick up. I had not thought about that one, but it serves well. Actually I was thinking about “Bleeker Street”: “Fog’s rolling in off the East River bank; like a shroud it covers Bleeker Street….” And I’m glad you liked the lines and colors of the image, too. Nancy T. thanks for joining us. It’s interesting that your reaction was similar to Don’s. Standing where I did, I had much the same reaction myself: being lifted up into the skies over the mountains. “My spirit soars like a hawk” to borrow from Chief Dan George. Thanks, again, everyone. Have a beautiful week.