The high desert is beauty in innumerable forms. Just south of Taos you can look westward across the long slash of the Rio Grande River Gorge and into the convergence of that great river with its tributary, Rio Pueblo de Taos. Beyond this, the La Madera Mountains rise up to greet the sun as it slowly fades away. As the cloud masses gathered I went searching for a vantage point from which to watch the gathering dusk. A small county park was just what I was looking for. As the beams of the setting ball began to break through the  overhead gray, I was ready for the show and was not disappointed. Since the main feature was primarily about the sky, I chose to include only a tiny portion of the distant landforms. A moderately long telephoto focal length of 315mm allowed me to isolate the beam pattern that I wanted. An aperture of f/16 provided depth-of-field; and a shutter speed of 1/6th second at ISO 100 gave me an overall slightly darker-than-medium exposure.