It is the Land of Gichi-Gami, the Great Sea. It is sacred to the Anishinaabe People. In autumn the maples (Acer) put on a display of color. They are joined by others – from the cinnamon ferns (Osmunda cinnamomea) to the hickories (Carya) and every imaginable botanical size and type in between. It is a rainbow of visual delight dotted with 10,000 bodies of water, from the smallest of springs to the Great Sea itself. When a father read to his six-year-old the words of Longfellow’s epic, he generated in the boy a love of people and place that has only grown deeper and wider with the passage of time.

A focal length of 117mm, the middle range of short telephotoland, gave me an intimate field-of-view that highlighted the foliage color and the trunks of the densely growing forest. An aperture of f/18 provided depth of field and allowed for a shutter speed of 1/13th second at ISO 100, in the very slightly wafting breeze, to create a medium exposure.

I have been blessed to visit this amazing land many times, and my favorite visit will always be now.