Along the eastern base of Dorr Mountain, a mere 357′ lower in elevation than Cadillac Mountain, the massive Laurentide Ice Sheet left a deep cleft in the granitic rocks, which eventually filled in to become a small glacial pond called the “Tarn.” (Of course, the ice sheet itself was several miles thick.) A short walk through the woods at the northern end of the Tarn brings you to a very special area in the floodplain of Cromwell Creek, Sieur de Monts Spring, an ancient water source used by the native Penobscot (Wabanaki), as well as early White Settlers. Ultimately the spring came to be the property of George Dorr, the “Father of Acadia National Park,” and thus, eventually, a part of Acadia. The land around the spring is low and moist, a perfect ecosystem for a variety of ferns that seem to grow abundantly and thickly.

A focal length of 32mm, in the long end of wide-angleland, gave me the angle of view I wanted: a broad, but intimate, swath of the woodland scene. An aperture of f/16 provided depth-of-field; and a shutter speed of 1/5th second was obtained with an ISO of 400.That ISO/aperture combination was three-stops faster than what I would have achieved at ISO 100; f/22; and it allowed me to freeze the motion of a slight morning breeze wafting through the forest.

The beauty of Acadia, so iconically apparent driving along the Park Loop Road, is no less so in the many out of the way places that stitch the rocks together into the fabric of Pemetic, the Sloping Land.