If you could travel beneath the surface of the ground from this point near the Greenbrier Entrance to Great Smoky Mountains National Park, you would discover that this thin outcrop of Roaring Fork Sandstone is actually the tip of a lithic iceberg hundreds, if not thousands of feet thick. Where it does outcrop across a streambed it creates some amazing erosional patterns and forms and sculpted waterpockets which allow for intriguing reflection images. The entire Greenbrier section is a fascinating cove of plant-life and rock throughout the year.

A focal length of 28mm, medium wideangleland, gave me the angle-of-view I wanted, looking directly upriver from behind the outcrop. An aperture of f/20 provided depth-of-field, and ISO 200 gave me a shutter speed of 1/8th second, fast enough to create texture in the water coming over the drop and a medium overall exposure.

I can only imagine the sadness that tore at the hearts of those Greenbrier settlers forced to sell and leave their homes so that the Park could become a reality. I am grateful for their sacrifice that allows me to walk in their places of beauty.