It is called Kuwahi, Mulberry Place, where the Bear Clan gathers for councils and to dance before retiring to their dens for the winter months. At 6643′ it is the second highest peak in eastern North America and the highest point in Tennessee. In the early light of a new day it is beauty all around. Oh yeah, to the European settlers it became known as Clingman’s Dome. I visit Kuwahi for sunrise at least once every year and more often if possible. Spring and fall are excellent times because amazing atmospheric activity is more common as variously heated air masses collide and mingle. Finding just the appropriate amount of visual information to tell the story is the biggest challenge; and, of course, Kuwahi is often shrouded in clouds, so no visibility at all is not unusual. As I looked on this morning, it was the normal focal length angles-of-view that kept catching my attention, so I chose a focal length of 60mm for this image. An aperture of f/20 gave me depth-of-field and a shutter speed of 1/10th second at ISO 100 gave me an overall slightly-darker-than-medium exposure. No bears in sight.