Knowing when to be somewhere at the right time is always helpful; but sometimes you find an unexpected surprise waiting. When I went to play with the sidelight streaming across the base of Sugarland Mountain and upper Sugarland Valley, I was completely surprised by the sheer numbers of blooming Carolina Silverbell (Halesia carolina). Silverbell is common in the Smokies, but the bloom this year has been truly amazing. Last week the greening-up had just reached the base of Sugarland Mountain and the silverbell there were fully present. In this expression I decided to use a horizontal line of the tops of some silverbell and greening hardwoods in the bottom third of the image and then let the eye follow the sweep of color, shape, and line across the valley and into the lower spur ridges of the mountain with their “V” shaped coves in between. A focal length of 36mm, almost wide-angle, gave me the angle of view I wanted. An aperture of f/20 gave me depth-of-field, and a shutter speed of 1/8th second at ISO 100 gave me a very-slightly-lighter-than-medium exposure.