There is no more iconic location in Great Smoky Mountains National Park than Cades Cove; and the high point on the Cades Cove Loop Road is perhaps the most iconic of all. Maybe that’s why I don’t photograph it very often; but sometimes I just can’t help myself. At the beginning of April I was in the Cove watching a storm as it blew in over the Crest of the Smokies Ridge from the southwest, and I knew that with the clouds-and-light show taking place there was one excellent place from which to see it all. The brooding atmospherics and the moving light made an all-too-familiar scene something very special. After all, it’s always about the light. A focal length of 72mm, short telephoto, gave me the angle of view I wanted. An aperture of f/20 provided depth of field, and a shutter speed of 1/4th second at ISO 100 gave me an overall slightly darker than medium exposure. I was careful to wait, as the beams came and went, for a moment when the foreground meadow was in highlight and there was also light dappling on the distant ridges.