The Tom Brown Barn and its farm is one of my favorite locations. This old farmstead, dating to the 1800’s, is nestled at the foot of some of the most rugged country in Madison County, North Carolina, not far from the old Federal Highway through the Unaka Mountains into Tennessee. At one time it was surely a showcase of rural mountain life, but now it is slowly being reclaimed by the land. I was so attracted to the story told by the bottom level barn door hanging on its hinge, even after I had wandered around the entire structure several times. It persisted in calling me back. I looked at it from every angle I could imagine, but this perspective from slightly higher than the doorway and from an angle that showed the relationship between the door and its opening, and their location in relation to the barn’s upper story, was what finally stopped me. I decided to reveal the entire edge of the building in order to give a little context. A focal length of 102mm – short telephoto range – allowed me to isolate the elements I wanted. An aperture of f/18 provided depth-of-field; and a shutter speed of 1.3 seconds at ISO 100 gave me an overall medium exposure.