To peer into the vastness of the Grand Canyon from any vantage point is to peer deep into the seeming endlessness of geological time. To gaze into its depths down the axis of Bright Angel Canyon looking toward its confluence with the greater chasm is to be given an added understanding of what “vast” really means. Dropping down the North Rim, the Bright Angel Point Trail descends to a steep, near vertical scarp overlooking the sinuous meander of the North Kaibab Trail as it climbs past the Transcept and begins its rise through Roaring Springs Canyon on the way to its rendezvous with the great rim far above. The view from Bright Angel Point reveals the lithic lines of a musical score which could only be seen as a hymn to all that is beautiful. Standing near the point, I chose a 66mm focal length to isolate what I felt. Using the rock ridge trailing into the canyon off of Oza Butte, on the right, as a foreground line, I stopped the ridge above its intersection with Bright Angel Canyon to lead the eye into Bright Angel and then diagonally down Bright Angel through its many convolutions toward the Grand itself in the top right of the image. I wanted to get as close to the top of the far South Rim in my composition as possible without including sky. An aperture of f/22 provided depth-of-field; and a shutter speed of 0.3 second at ISO 100 gave an overall very-slightly-darker-than-medium exposure.